index - Algèbre, géométrie, logique Accéder directement au contenu

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Collaborations Internationales




Simplicial complex Group action Hovel Gröbner bases Groupes polonais Random matrix Cup and cap products Torsor Elimination Fields with operators Rewriting modulo Action of the symmetric group Metric structure Littlewood-Richardson coefficients Barycentric subdivision Shellable complex Definability Kac-Moody groups Hypertree Coherence Masure Algebraic group Reconstruction Reductive group scheme Cohomologie de Cech String rewriting Species Théorie des groupes CM-trivial Géométrie Fitting subgroup Polish group Moment map Tilings Algèbre linéaire et bilinéaire 14L30 Local fields Stable Schubert calculus Koszulness Groupoid Holomorphic discs Laurent polynomials Interpretation Barycentric subdivisions Metric structures Invariant theory Model theory Amenability Stability Higher-dimensional linear categories Ampleness Bernstein-Lusztig relations Pseudo-differential operator Poset Model Theory Real projective manifold Hochschild cohomology Convergent presentations Continuous logic Commuting variety Analysable Hecke algebras Dp-minimal Distal Ample line bundle Spectral sequence Random polynomial Multiloop algebra Symplectic reduction One-based Building Higher-dimensional rewriting Parabolic algebra Incidence Hopf algebra Buildings Hilbert scheme Simple theory Finite Morley rank Group Poisson centre Decreasingness Linear rewriting Agrégation CM-triviality Infinite dimensional Lie algebras Simple Internality Algèbre Discrete Morse theory Canonical base property Gromov-Witten invariants Polish groups Bad group Betti numbers Action de groupe Internal Linear polygraphs String rewriting systems NIP

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